About Us
The Heritage Network is an independent practice specialising in archaeology and the historic environment. The practice has been providing professional services on a commercial basis since 1992, to clients involved in all forms of development, including home extensions, barn conversions, church and listed building improvements, housing and industrial estates, agriculture, forestry, roads and pipelines.
In 2018, the practice started to refocus its core business on consultancy and historic buildings casework and supported its Project Manager, Mark Sycamore, to set up Minerva Archaeology and continue to provide high-quality contract services to our well-established client base. The Heritage Network can also draw on a network of recognised external specialists to support projects, as and when necessary.
Meet the Team

David Hillelson
Projects are overseen and co-ordinated by David Hillelson, the practice's Managing Director, an established archaeologist with extensive experience of the management of archaeological projects in both urban and rural environments. David holds an honours degree in archaeology from the University of Durham, and is a Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. He has been the practice's principal officer since 1992 and has a particular interest in historic buildings.

Helen Ashworth
Research and analysis are managed by Helen Ashworth, the practice's Research Manager. She holds a degree in English and History from Middlesex Polytechnic, a Post-graduate Certificate in Field Archaeology from the University of Oxford, and is an Associate of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. Helen has over thirty years of practical experience in local government, with the Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England, and in private practice.

Jenny Heinzelmann
Jenny joined the practice in 2011 as a Research Assistant but has also worked on excavations, building recording, finds processing and archive preparation. Jenny has a background in education and a lifelong passion for archaeology. She has a master's degree and is a Practitioner member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.

Alison Hudson
Alison has worked for the Heritage Network since 2005 both in the field and on post-excavation processing. Much of her time is currently spent as a Research Assistant and preparing archives for deposition. Alison has a degree in History from the University of Hertfordshire, is a qualified teacher and is an Associate member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.

Fay Worboys
Fay joined the Heritage Network in 2009 and was the practice's Office Manager for many years. She now works part-time as our Accounts Manager. Fay has an honours degree in European Languages and a background in the insurance industry.